RP 112 Cannibe /Bumworm "Violated Human Rights"Printed Cd-R
RP 111 Botched Anastomosis J-Pouch "Buildup of Rottening Grave Wax Slime"Printed Cd-R
RP 110 Ocular Leech Infestation "Obnoxious Mass Carnage Against Bloated Arrogant Scum" Bizcard w/case
RP 109 Gorebones
"Procession Of Maggots"
Printed Cd-R
RP 108 Lesbians Tribbing Squirt
"Where Do You Like Us To Squirt?"
Printed Cd-R
RP 107 Estreptoeruption
Printed Cd-R
RP 106 Scolopendra "Insertion In Flesh" Cd-R
RP 105 Calliphora Vomitoria "Vomitorium Flesh" Printed Cd-R
RP 104 Gigantic Cadavers Blender "Sulfuric Oxidizing Of Cadaveric Remains" Printed Cd-R
RP 102 Fetus Demersus
"Aborted Fetuses Marinating In Formaldehyde"
RP 101 Fetal Deformity
"Violaceous Flictenas Charged With Putrid Liquid"
RP 099 Amphibian
Green Tape
RP 098 Corpseincinerated Furmace
"Healthy Sleep Of The Russian Pathologist" Cd-R
RP 096 Dissected
"Necromanticized Selections"
Printed Cd-R
RP 095 Sebum Excess Production
"Etiopathogenesis Of Seborrheic Dermatitis"
Printed Cd-R
RP 093 Corpus Luteum Cyst
"Diffuse Intestinal Submucosal Lypomatosis With Incidental Epidermal Inclusion Cyst Of Caecum Clinically Masquerading As Carcinoma Caecum" Cd-R
RP 092 Epiploenterocele Pusliquid Wormchunk
"The Scat Section"
Printed Cd-R
RP 088 Yakisoba
"Embryonic Oozing" Cd-R
RP 087 Fetish
"トイレのパーティ" Cd-R
RP 084 Septic Autopsy
"Los Procesos de la Putrefaccion" Cd-R
RP 078 Desechos Toxicos De Un Cadaver Fermentado
"Fermentacion Putrida" Cd-R
RP 076 Diarrhea Humilliation
Cd-R w/Sticker
RP 070 Rectal Purulence Compilation
Cd-R w/Dvd Case
RP 666 Mexxxican Gorenoise Compilation
Cd-R w/18 Gorenoise Projects From Mexxxico